Title: The Rescue
Author: Jae Kayelle
Feedback: writetosell@sasktel.net
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack Sparrow/James Norrington
Disclaimer: Disney and Bruckheimer own the franchise. No copyright infringements intended. No profits made from this work of fiction.
Summary: standing by the dock of the bay...

The Rescue
by Jae Kayelle

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Jack placed his index finger against his pursed lips, unconsciously swaying to the rhythm of the sea even though he was on land. There was that luscious Commodore Norrington scolding a trio of lobster-backs down on the docks. The marines saluted smartly and with barely restrained panic they fled, leaving Norrington alone to stare lost in thought into the distance. Jack had been trying to chat up the good Commodore ever since gaining temporary clemency from the Governor for the upcoming wedding of the lass and the whelp. He had had free run of Port Royal for nearly a week already, but Norrington was extremely slippery when it came to letting people get close to his personal self. Hanging about the docks hadn't done Jack much good so far, other than affording him the occasional view of the tall man in his pretty uniform.

Once Norrington had walked into the same pub Jack was patronizing, but as soon as the lovely green-eyed beauty spotted Jack he had walked out again. Jack had been slow to follow because the sight of Norrington in civilian clothes, and without that ridiculous wig, had rendered him speechless and immobile for quite possibly the first time in his adult life. By the time Jack had gathered his scattered wits Norrington was gone, vanished into the humid night.

Now, however, was the perfect time and place to wangle an up close and personal meeting.

* * *

James saw a flash of scarlet out of the corner of his eye. Thinking it was one of his marines rushing back to talk to him he started to turn towards the man, and was hit broadside. The momentum of the collision lifted him off his feet, slamming the breath from his body and carried both of them into the water.

He sank like a stone, his uniform becoming waterlogged almost immediately. He struggled to shed it even as he kicked towards the surface. His lungs were not straining yet, as he was a good swimmer and could hold his breath for several minutes, but he knew if he did not rid himself of his coat he might never breathe again. Then he saw who had joined him in the bay. A golden smile reflected the sun's rays through the water's surface. Sparrow looked like a creature of the sea, gently floating in place, completely in his element. James was so startled that he opened his mouth to draw in a breath and promptly got a partial lungful of salt water, saving himself only by instinctively clamping his mouth shut again. Nevertheless, he began to choke.

* * *

Jack lazily treaded water and grinned at Norrington. He pointed upwards and cocked an eyebrow expecting the Commodore to predictably glare at him before joining him in a swim back up. Instead he saw the man swallow enough water to drown a whale and begin to cough. He watched with concern as Norrington turned red and then took on a purplish hue. He started to swim towards the surface but his uniform coat was rapidly soaking up moisture and weighing him down. As he struggled to free himself from it Jack swam over to help. They finally got it off. Jack saw it float to the bottom. Norrington was still choking, however, so Jack grabbed him by the shoulders, clamped his mouth over the good Commodore's and kicked out powerfully, driving both of them upwards.

They broke the surface, both gasping for air. Jack regained his equilibrium immediately but it took Norrington a couple of moments longer. Finally he was no longer coughing, other than a few sputters now and then. They bobbed there like a pair of corks, eyeing one another. The Commodore's expression was worthy of a man of his station, black, foul and ready to hang a certain pirate despite the act of clemency. Jack weighed his options. He could swim for shore and hope he made it to safety before Norrington caught him, or he could try something else.

In a repeat of his actions underwater, Jack took Norrington by the shoulders and brought their mouths together. He nibbled on the tightly closed lips until he felt a response. There was a slight lessening of the tension in the lean body under his palms, and the mouth opened just enough for him to slip the point of his tongue into the crease. He ran it back and forth, wiggling it, flicking it, and then, there it was, the mouth opened wide enough to suction their lips together. Throughout their little battle of wills they had been kicking their feet to stay afloat. Now Norrington wound his arms around Jack's waist, pulling him flush against his body without relinquishing his oral attachment on him, and they sank slowly under the gently lapping wavelets.


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